If you struggle with recurring bacterial vaginosis

— there's hope! You can overcome this naturally

This imbalance in our bodies can leave us feeling frustrated and embarrassed - but don't worry I got your back! You can eliminate BV in no time with this protocol!

1 in 3 women experience bacterial vaginosis

This mini course teaches you how to Banish your BV (bacterial vaginosis) naturally in a few short days. My clients are usually symptom free within a week or two after implementing these steps to help rebalance their vaginal flora and eliminate the overgrowth of the bacteria that is giving you these terrible symptoms.


We will address the root cause of BV, so you can learn how to prevent it from reoccurring in the future, and I will give you a step by step guide with links to products that you will need for this protocol.

 Of course our gut health plays a huge role in this, so we will be implementing some gut supporting strategies as well.

Symptoms of BV


A thin white or grey discharge


Pain, itching and burning in and around the vagina


A strong fish like odour


Burning sensation while urinating

There isn't just one supplement or one food to eliminate BV, we need to address this holistically to get the best results for the long term!

What's included?


Simple steps to improve your gut health


A nutrition strategy to limit the growth of bacteria and bring your body back into balance


Lifestyle and supplement recommendations to eliminate your symptoms and prevent it from returning


Personal hygiene tips  for you and your partner, along with natural swaps to all of your personal care products 

Eliminate your BV symptoms in a matter of weeks by balancing your vaginal pH and learning holistic strategies to keep it from coming back!